Response to Comment on "U-Th dating of carbonate crusts reveals Neandertal origin of Iberian cave art"

Hoffmann, D. L.; Standish, C. D.; Garcia-Diez, M.; Pettitt, P. B.; Milton, J. A.; Zilhao, J.; Alcolea-Gonzalez, J. J.; Cantalejo-Duarte, P.; Collado, H.; De Balbin, R.; Lorblanchet, M.; Ramos-Munoz, J.; Weniger, G-Ch.; Pike, A. W. G.

VL / 362 - BP / - EP /
Slimak et al. challenge the reliability of our oldest (> 65,000 years) U-Th dates on carbonates associated with cave paintings in Spain. They cite a supposed lack of parietal art for the 25,000 years following this date, along with potential methodological issues relating to open-system behavior and corrections to detrital or source water Th-230. We show that their criticisms are unfounded.

AccesS level

Bronze, Green accepted