A molecular timescale for eukaryote evolution with implications for the origin of red algal-derived plastids
Strassert, Jurgen F. H.; Irisarri, Iker; Williams, Tom A.; Burki, Fabien
VL / 12 - BP / - EP /
In modern oceans, eukaryotic phytoplankton is dominated by lineages with red algal-derived plastids such as diatoms, dinoflagellates, and coccolithophores. Despite the ecological importance of these groups and many others representing a huge diversity of forms and lifestyles, we still lack a comprehensive understanding of their evolution and how they obtained their plastids. New hypotheses have emerged to explain the acquisition of red algal-derived plastids by serial endosymbiosis, but the chronology of these putative independent plastid acquisitions remains untested. Here, we establish a timeframe for the origin of red algal-derived plastids under scenarios of serial endosymbiosis, using Bayesian molecular clock analyses applied on a phylogenomic dataset with broad sampling of eukaryote diversity. We find that the hypotheses of serial endosymbiosis are chronologically possible, as the stem lineages of all red plastid-containing groups overlap in time. This period in the Meso- and Neoproterozoic Eras set the stage for the later expansion to dominance of red algal-derived primary production in the contemporary oceans, which profoundly altered the global geochemical and ecological conditions of the Earth. There are several competing hypotheses for the acquisition of red algal-derived plastids by eukaryotic phytoplankton. Here, the authors use Bayesian molecular clock analyses to evaluate the chronological possibility of the proposed plastid origins and transmissions.
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