The role of borosilicate glass in Miller-Urey experiment

Criado-Reyes, Joaquin; Bizzarri, Bruno M.; Manuel Garcia-Ruiz, Juan; Saladino, Raffaele; Di Mauro, Ernesto

VL / 11 - BP / - EP /
We have designed a set of experiments to test the role of borosilicate reactor on the yielding of the Miller-Urey type of experiment. Two experiments were performed in borosilicate flasks, two in a Teflon flask and the third couple in a Teflon flask with pieces of borosilicate submerged in the water. The experiments were performed in CH4, N-2, and NH3 atmosphere either buffered at pH 8.7 with NH4Cl or unbuffered solutions at pH ca. 11, at room temperature. The Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy results show important differences in the yields, the number of products, and molecular weight. In particular, a dipeptide, multi-carbon dicarboxylic acids, PAHs, and a complete panel of biological nucleobases form more efficiently or exclusively in the borosilicate vessel. Our results offer a better explanation of the famous Miller's experiment showing the efficiency of borosilicate in a triphasic system including water and the reduced Miller-Urey atmosphere.

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