Autoimmunity roots of the thrombotic events after COVID-19 vaccination

Elrashdy, Fatma; Tambuwala, Murtaza M.; Hassan, Sk Sarif; Adadi, Parise; Seyran, Murat; Abd El-Aziz, Tarek Mohamed; Rezaei, Nima; Lal, Amos; Aljabali, Alaa A. A.; Kandimalla, Ramesh; Bazan, Nicolas G.; Azad, Gajendra Kumar; Sherchan, Samendra P.; Choudhury

VL / 20 - BP / - EP /
Although vaccination represents the most promising way to stop or contain the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and safety and effectiveness of available vaccines were proven, a small number of individuals who received anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines developed a prothrombotic syndrome. Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) can be triggered by the adenoviral vector-based vaccine, whereas lipid nanoparticle-mRNA-based vaccines can induce rare cases of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Although the main pathogenic mechanisms behind this rare phenomenon have not yet been identified, both host and vaccine factors might be involved, with pathology at least in part being related to the vaccine-triggered autoimmune reaction. In this review, we are considering some aspects related to pathogenesis, major risk factors, as well as peculiarities of diagnosis and treatment of this rare condition.

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